West Virginia HIV/AIDS & STD Program
The West Virginia HIV/AIDS & STD Program accomplishes its goals through a wide variety of surveillance and prevention activities.
This website contains statistical information about HIV/AIDS in West Virginia, contact information for Community Based Organizations providing HIV prevention services in West Virginia, AIDS Prevention Centers in West Virginia, the HIV Care Consortium in West Virginia, and for the HIV/AIDS and STD Program in the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health. Since this site and the links provided for further information in the site may contain HIV prevention messages, this site may not be appropriate for all audiences.
Free Self Testing Kit for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
AIDS Prevention
(304) 558-2195
HOTLINE 800-642-8244
Maintains a statewide active surveillance system to detect and report HIV infection and AIDS cases, provides consultation to health care providers regarding the West Virginia HIV statute and other related HIV/AIDS issues, and annually updates the West Virginia HIV/AIDS Epidemiologic Profile. Click the links below to view current HIV/AIDS surveillance reports (requires Adobe Reader).
- HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, Mid-Year 2007
- HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, Year End 2006
- HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, Mid-Year 2006
- HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report Update, Year-End 2005
- HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report Update, Mid-Year 2005
- HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report Update, Year End 2004
- HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report Update, Mid-Year 2004
- Epidemiologic Profile of HIV/AIDs in West Virginia, 2005 Annual Report
- West Virginia HIV/AIDS at a Glance 2005
AIDS Prevention
(304) 558-2195
HOTLINE 800-642-8244
Provides HIV/AIDS prevention through health education and training, risk reduction promotion, and resource distribution to service providers and people at risk. This is accomplished through technical assistance consultation, conferences and workshops, media campaigns, community-based organizations and community planning groups, youth peer education, HIV counseling and testing at AIDS Prevention Centers, and a statewide AIDS hotline.
HIV Counseling Course On-Line Registration
The client-centered counseling and testing training course will be offered throughout 2004. Please visit our on-line registration page for details and to register for this important course. Updated 7/26/2004
Youth Peer Education Program
The HIV/AIDS and STD Program´s Peer Education Project is an informal educational method used as a preventive strategy to limit the spread of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. It is a method, which enables one peer to educate his or her fellow peers, providing important prevention messages and education. It enables peers to build and develop skills for public speaking, teamwork, leadership and the ability to make positive changes in behaviors and attitudes. Updated 6/17/2005
AIDS Prevention Centers
Provide free, confidential HIV antibody counseling and testing, risk reduction information, contact notification, and follow-up services.
HIV/AIDS Community-Based Organizations
Provide local prevention outreach and resources.
The HIV Community Planning Group
Develops HIV prevention plans specifically addressing the needs of the community. The Planning Group can be reached at 304.342.9633 or 800.345.9633.
HIV Care Consortium
(304) 232-6822
Provides case management services and assistance for essential medical care and associated support services and Special Pharmacy Program.
AIDS Websites
Follow the link at the left for a list of AIDS-related websites.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
(304) 558-2950
HOTLINE 800-642-8244
The STD Program monitors disease morbidity in both the public and private sectors on Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) and Herpes Simplex Virus type II (HSV). Nine disease investigators located throughout the state perform field epidemiology on all Early Syphilis, HIV, and Acute Hepatitis B infections as well as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea when feasible. The central program staff answers all hotline calls and provides educational resources for presentations as well as condom and literature distribution.
- Epidemiologic Profile of HIV/AIDs in West Virginia, 2003 Annual Report
- Epidemiologic Profile of HIV/AIDS in West Virginia, 2001 Annual Report
- STD Surveillance Summary Report Update 1999-2005
- HIV/AIDS, STD & Substance Abuse Services & Resources Manual
STD Websites
Follow the link at the left for a list of STD-related websites.
West Virginia Bureau for Public Health
Division of Surveillance and Disease Control
HIV/AIDS & STD Program
Room 125, 350 Capitol Street
Charleston, WV 25301-3715
(304) 558-2950
(304) 558-2195
Fax: (304) 558-6478